July 1 - 10 West Glacier, Montana

July 17, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Moose Creek RV Park

As the day dawns, lucky we are to have the freedom to travel. Embrace the world and let the journey unfold.





Making our way through the beautiful Montana countryside, the weather seems to change on a dime. Blue skies to threatening thunderstorms.


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What is that up ahead??? Oh….it’s an animal crossing bridge – how cool is that???




Of all the places we’ve traveled, this amazing place is one we’ve never been to. We’re here!!!! Another bucket list for us. The excitement is hard to contain when you’ve got these

HUGE, gorgeous mountains staring at you……..OMG……………awesome……Glacier National Park…….



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The drive to the campground was pretty cool. After getting off the main highway, the 2 lane road followed the HUGE Flathead Lake. Man what scenery!! Plus a few horse crossings here and there.




Glacier National Park requires a vehicle pass to enter at 3 of the main entrances between 6am – 3pm. They are available on line 120 days prior to the date you want. We were not successful getting advance passes. However, you CAN get in before 6 or after 3 without a pass. The day after we arrived we got our butts up at 4:45am to get ready and be in the park before 6am. Yayyy! We did it…….was it worth it??? You bet ya!! The other multiple days in the park we were successful getting passes each night at 7pm when about 1200 next day passes are released – excellent!!!!!

We entered thru the West Entrance…. The main road from west to east and vice versa is the famous Going to the Sun Road. Man oh man!!! Words simply cannot describe the pure beauty that Mother Nature has provided within this massive National Park. If you are squeamish about heights and no guard rails to speak of, this road is NOT for you – LOL!!!




However you can take the “Red Bus” tour. We drove it at least 10 different times. Glacier – the Crown of the Continent - a showcase of melting glaciers, alpine meadows, carved valleys, THE most stunning waterfalls, and spectacular lakes!!


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The only animal we didn’t see was a Moose – but what we did see? Wow – we were like 2 little kids every time we spotted a furry four legged creature – LOL!!!


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And here we are along the Continental Divide again…….can’t keep count how many times we’ve crossed it…..

Oh – and don’t dare have 1 spec of a tire over the parking space line or you’ll get one of these!!!


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Glacier is a hiker’s paradise! Some hikes were WAY too difficult and long for us. We chose the somewhat less difficult ones this time around, mostly because Donna’s ankle was still not 100%. Our biggest accomplishment was the hike to Hidden Lake – up hill – thru the snow – around a couple of very steep curves. Yayyy – we did it!!!!


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Another hike called Trail of the Cedars was just a stunning trek thru the thick forest of 3 types of cedars. Along the way were beautiful moss covered rocks, waterfalls, and a variety of flowers and ferns. Wow!!! The prize at the end was Avalanche Lake – wowee!!!


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There are several lodges within the park, the most famous being the Many Glacier Hotel.




Way on the northeast side of the park, what a beautiful setting on Many Glacier Lake. All of the lodges are Swiss in style and have no AC or TV’s. We had a nice “linner” and on our way out, we were treated to these cuties crossing a parking lot.




What a fabulous place. If you’ve never been, it’s a must see………………


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