June 18 - 19 Casper, Wyoming

July 03, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Casper East RV Park
After being in pollen country for weeks, our poor Sandman looked yellow instead of silver.
As we made our way out of Custer, we did a stop at the one and only car wash that also
included an RV self-wash.



He’ll be clean for about 24 hours – LOL!!!



A quick overnight as we continue making our way west. Nice place with a beautiful sunset
along the mountain range…..
Beautiful drive with puffy clouds. Amazing how the terrain changed along the way. We
went from Pine Trees in the Badlands, to rolling hills that look like velvet known as the
Grasslands, to Buttes and Mountains.


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It’s always fun to see a train in the middle of nowhere……



As we got closer to Casper, we noticed several metal structures along the way. One a
Jackalope and the other a Dinosaur (?) being pulled by none other than Sasquatch – LOL!!!


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