June 20 - 28 Moran, Wyoming

July 11, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

Headwaters Campground – Flagg Ranch – Grand Teton National Park

Every new destination is a chance to create unforgettable memories. Travel isn’t just about seeing new places; it’s about feeling alive in every fiber of your being, passionately and joyfully.




We’re finally here…….the drive to the Grand Teton area was breathtaking! Every curve, every turn, every everything on the road was just picture perfect…..the velvet mountains topped with whipped cream, the crystal clear skies…………just simply hard to describe in words!!! Mesmerizing…………Majestic……………Magical……………


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Our trip here was even more special as our son and his family decided to vacation in the area. They stayed in Jackson which is about an hour from our campground. We were up early and up late every day. We’ll need a vacation after all this – LOL!!!

Except for one day that they drove to our campground so we could all visit Yellowstone together, we drove to Jackson, and we all piled in their rental vehicle which fit all 6 of us.




We did SO much! We walked around the very cool town of Jackson. Visited several Cowboy Saloons and had some adult beverages. Had lunch several times at some neato places – Mike and our daughter in-law Erin sported their new hats….



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We took a scenic tour boat around the famous Jenny Lake. Then we drove to Teton Village for lunch and some fun for the kids. The next day, back to Jenny Lake and took the boat shuttle to the shore to hike to Inspiration Point and Hidden Falls. This place is just amazing!!

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We drove the famous 42-mile loop with hopes of seeing some 4-legged animals. We saw a few – Yayyy!! We stopped for lunch at Signal Mountain Lodge right on the lake. The views just can’t be described!!


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We did a long day trip to Yellowstone which is HUGE – the south entrance was just a few miles from our campground. Simply stunning…….Old Faithful never gets old. Up the road a bit was the Grand Prismatic Spring – wow – just wow!!!


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Snow King Mountain Resort in Jackson has fun for all – an Alpine Slide, Alpine Coaster, Mini Golf, Gondola to the top of the mountain (7808 feet) and a few other things. After everyone finished the slide and coaster, we all took the Gondola up to the top. Donna who doesn’t like these things, kept her eyes closed just about the entire trip up and down – LOL!!! We grabbed lunch to go and had it at the top of the mountain. The views????



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Rodeos and Chuck wagons are a huge deal in Jackson. We couldn’t get tickets for the rodeo, which is supposed to be fabulous, but did manage to get reservations for the Chuck Wagon ride and dinner. Way cool! You meet at the Ranch – they have your Covered

Wagon assigned and dinner table assigned. Off you go for a 2-mile trek out in the forest for a BBQ dinner, a western show, then back to the Ranch. What a great time we all had!!!


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Our kids and grands left the day before us. We had planned on a bike ride through part of the Teton Park but Donna had twisted her ankle a bit a few days prior to that was nixed.

Instead we drove back to Yellowstone to get one last look at Mother Nature’s glory…..


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