June 28 - 30 Livingston, Montana

July 12, 2024  •  Leave a Comment

KOA Holiday

Two nights to recover from our time in the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone – LOL!!

As we meandered through Yellowstone from south to north, to exit and head into Montana, wowzer – what a white-knuckle drive towards the end!!! What goes up must come down – on the other side. Steep grades and many hairpin turns but slow and steady makes it to the bottom of the Mountain range. Whew!! A magically beautiful drive but two hands on that steering wheel!!!! One curve was SO sharp that we stopped to let another RV come up the opposite direction – so he would have room to make the turn. As it turns out, as we came down, another guy stopped to let us make the curve coming down. Now that’s how you do it!!!!




The landscape here never gets old. We were however; glad to get to our campground – which by the way – had gorgeous views of the mountain range.



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2 days here allowed us to get some adulting done (laundry). We did drive through the neat town of Livingston and since we were close to Bozeman, which we’ve been to before back in 2015 with our good friends Jon and Becky Harry, we wanted to spend some time there again. Had a nice lunch outside in the glorious weather, poked around a few shops and that was that……






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